Hypospadias Surgery

Professor Ahmed T Hadidi

Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Heidelberg / Mannheim University, Germany
Professor of Paediatric and Plastic Surgery, Cairo University, Egypt
In case you are looking for a specific topic please use the links below:

 - General

 - Timing of Surgery

 - Different tissues used for correction of hypospadias

 - General Principles

 - Choice of operative technique

    The Y-V modified Mathieu procedure

    Lateral Based (LB) Flap

    Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty (TIP)
    Transverse Preputial Island Flap

    MAGPI (Meatal Advancement and Glanuloplasty Incorporated)

    Onlay Island Flap

    Two stage repair

 - Artificial erection test

 - Use of protective intermediate layer

 - Some technical points

 - Recommended Reading